Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • You may submit a full paper (without page limit) or a two-page proceedings paper to IWMPI. The proceedings paper can, for example, focus on novel methodological ideas without extensive validation. We also specifically accept proceedings papers discussing material recently published or submitted as journal contributions to give authors the opportunity to present their work and obtain feedback from conference attendees. See https://www.iwmpi.org/submissions and https://www.iwmpi.org/conference-registration for terms and conditions.
  • Contributions to IWMPI will be peer-reviewed and published online in an upcoming Supplement or Regular Issue of IJMPI. Each contributions needs one author paying the paper-handling fee. Each corresponding author needs to be registered to the workshop. Beside the workshop registration fee, there will be no further paper handling fees for Proceedings Papers.
  • The submission file is in PDF file format and the respective Word or Latex template (see https://www.iwmpi.org/submissions) has been used.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • A full paper (regular original research) submission has not been previously published, nor is it considered for publication in another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor within the upload process).
  • For regular original research papers not contributed to IWMPI, IJMPI will charge a processing fee of 300 Euro for article submissions in LaTeX and 600 Euro for article submissions in Word to cover the costs for article typesetting and technical setup (paper-handling fee).

Editorial policy
publishes reviews, original articles, and conference proceedings. Manuscripts must be submitted in English language. Submissions must be original, and the information not copyrighted, published, or submitted elsewhere. Scientific originality should be demonstrated by a contribution to knowledge beyond the state-of-the art. Each manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter. The authors may indicate the names, affiliations, full postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and email addresses of peer reviewers to be potentially considered to review the submitted manuscript or with a potential conflict of interest. Contributors must conform to standards of responsible authorship in the following ways:

  1. All of the authors must accept responsibility for the entire content of submitted manuscripts.
  2. Authorship is restricted to those who have made a significant contribution to the conceptual design of the work, the execution of the study, data analysis or writing of the manuscript.
  3. The authors must describe safeguards to meet standards of ethical conduct of research (e.g., approval of research protocols by institutional committees). Where applicable, authors must confirm in writing that they have complied with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki regarding ethical conduct of research involving human subjects and/or animals.
  4. The authors must declare if there is a conflict of financial, or other, interest. Each Editor of the journal’s Editorial Board takes the ownership of a manuscript that matches his professional expertise. Each submitted manuscript is reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. The Editors are responsible for all decisions regarding publication. When papers are accepted subject to revision, the revised manuscript must be returned within 12 weeks after the author has been notified of the decision.

How to submit
Manuscripts must be submitted online at journal.iwmpi.org.  The allowed document types are Microsoft Word and LaTex. The respective IJMPI author templates to be used for submission can be found online. Please do not hesitate to contact the Journal Manager, if you need any assistance

Manuscript Preparation
Format and length

Manuscripts should be prepared using the templates provided.  Contributions may not exceed 10 pages. The text of the manuscript must be carefully checked for grammatical and typing errors to avoid correction in the proof. All tables and calculations should also be carefully checked.

Manuscripts must be provided in English language only. Non-English speakers are encouraged to have their manuscripts checked by a native English speaker before submission.

General structure of the text body
Articles should be organized into Title Section, Abstract, Introduction, (Theory,) Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, and References.

Title Section
The manuscript’s title section should include:

  1. A short and informative full article title.
  2. Names of all authors (with one first name in full for each author), followed by their affiliations (department, institution, city with postcode, country). If there is more than one institution involved in the work, authors’ names should be linked by superscript consecutive letters to the appropriate institutions.
  3. The mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

Abstract and Keywords
The manuscript should contain an Abstract. The Abstract should be a single paragraph of 150-250 words which must be comprehensible to readers before they have read the paper. Abbreviations should be and reference citations are to be avoided.

In the text body, abbreviations are spelled out at first mention. Thereafter, only these abbreviations are to be used.

Footnotes in the text should be avoided; parentheses should be used instead.

Acknowledgements should be placed at the end of the text. Names of funding organizations should be spelled out in full.

The Reference list at the end of the manuscript should be ordered as appeared in the manuscript. In the textbody, please quote only the respective reference number in square brackets. If possible, doi numbers should be provided for each reference.

Tables should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. A short descriptive title, column headings, and (if necessary) footnotes should make each table self-explanatory.

After accepted by IJMPI, electronic graphic files containing illustrations should be provided in JPG, PNG, or PDF format). For reproduction, high resolution images (minimum 300 - 400 dpi) are required. All figures will be reduced in size to fit, wherever possible, the width of a single column or a double column Lettering of all figures within the article should be uniform in style and of sufficient size. Lower-case letters (a), (b), (c) etc. should be used to identify individual parts of multi-part figures. All figures must be cited in the text in numerical order. Reference to figures is to be made as Figure 1 etc. in the text and captions. Authors are encouraged to submit illustrations in color if necessary for their scientific content. No additional artwork or redrawing will be done by the publisher. All symbols and abbreviations used in the figures must be explained, except for standard abbreviations or others defined in the preceding text.

Font marking/Dimensions and units
are used for Latin (though not for standard abbreviations like et al., i.e., ca., vs.), and certain parts of chemical formulas. The metric system must be used. SI units are required.

Manuscripts accepted for publication
The corresponding author will be informed directly by the responsible Editor, when a decision has been made on manuscript acceptability. For typesetting of accepted manuscripts, a Microsoft Word document or a LaTex file containing the final text must be submitted. In addition to this, all graphics used in the manuscript must be provided as described above. In this final version, adherence to the guidelines given above is a strict requirement. Please check the final file of the article carefully because spelling mistakes, inconsistencies, and errors will be faithfully translated into the typeset version.

Proofs/Copyright transferstatement
After typesetting, the corresponding author will receive a proof in Adobe Acrobat PDF format of the manuscript. The proofs should be carefully checked for errors. With the proof, the author receives a copyright transfer statement to be signed by the author. The proofs and the copyright transfer statement should be returned within two days.

License to publish
On behalf of all the co-authors the corresponding author has to sign a License to Publish. The signed license must be scanned and sent to the journal during the manuscript submission process. Please note, that no article will be published unless the Open Access License is signed.

Open Access Policy and Upload Fees
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Please note that IJMPI will charge a processing fee of 300 Euro for article submissions in LaTeX and 600 Euro for article submissions in Word to cover the costs for article typesetting and technical setup starting from 23.03.2018.

Acknowldegments and ethical considerations
All authors must disclose any financial support (including grant supports from federal, private and commercial organizations, scholarships, honoraria). Authors acknowledge the participation of patients in studies, scientific and/ or technical support of their colleagues not listed as coauthors. Ethical considerations must be mentioned (including the name of the body which gave approval, with a reference number), if appropriate. Clinical studies have to be registered following the WHO guidelines (http://www.who.int/ictrp) if appropriate.