International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017): Int J Mag Part Imag
Improving the Spatial Resolution of Bidirectional Cartesian MPI Data using Fourier Techniques
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Copyright (c) 2017 Franziska Werner, Nadine Gdaniec, Tobias Knopp
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) determines the distribution of superparamagnetic nanoparticles. Signal encoding is achieved by moving a field-free point (FFP) through the volume of interest. Due to its simplicity the Cartesian trajectory is used in many experimental scanner setups. One drawback of the Cartesian trajectory is that the spatial resolution is anisotropic and in particular lower in the orthogonal excitation direction. In order to get fully isotropic resolution one can extend the unidirectional Cartesian trajectory to a bidirectional Cartesian trajectory that switches
the excitation direction after a first pass over the volume of interest. When reconstructing each of the unidirectional datasets using e.g. an analytical x-space approach, one obtains two images each having a higher spatial resolution in the excitation direction. Within this work, we introduce a postprocessing method that combines both images and calculates a combined image with fully isotropic spatial resolution.
the excitation direction after a first pass over the volume of interest. When reconstructing each of the unidirectional datasets using e.g. an analytical x-space approach, one obtains two images each having a higher spatial resolution in the excitation direction. Within this work, we introduce a postprocessing method that combines both images and calculates a combined image with fully isotropic spatial resolution.